Sacred Lotus Leaf | Nelumbo Nucifera | Wild Crafted


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Fresh, clean, wild-crafted sacred lotus leaf.

Nelumbo Nucifera is actually a lotus. This means the leaves (lily pads) are held above the water. Some species of water flowers that are commonly referred to as “lotus” are actually lilies with leaves that rest on the water.

Botanical Name: Nelumbo Nucifera
Plant family: Nelumbonaceae
Also called: Teratai, East Indian Lotus, The Rose of India, and The Sacred Water Lily of Hinduism and Buddhism.


Sacred Lotus Leaf Tea

Sacred Lotus Leaf is an extremely popular, well-flavored tea. Most people find no need to sweeten it. Said to offer cooling on hot summer days.

Try starting out with 2 grams of leaf per 16 ounces of water. Boil the material in the water for at least 10 minutes, then allow it to cool and strain out the herbs. If you would like a stronger or weaker tea, you can increase or decrease the amount of leaf used and the amount of time it is boiled in small increments.

Smoking Sacred Lotus Leaf

Sacred Lotus Leaf is smoked and most often rolled. Although, it is a much more popular tea.


Sacred Lotus Leaf can be used in smudging or smudging blends. The smoke has a strong and unique smell.

Herbal Supplement

Sacred Lotus Leaf is widely used in herbal extracts, medicinal teas, and by natural health practitioners.

This material is meticulously processed and cleaned by hand. Please take a look at our Hand Processing Herbs page for more information.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 oz
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 2 in

.25 oz, .5 oz, 1 oz, 2 oz, 3 oz, 4 oz


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